full transcript

From the Ted Talk by James Patten: The best computer interface? Maybe ... your hands

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So my first attempt at this was at the MIT Media Lab with psorseofr Hiroshi Ishii, and we built this array of 512 different electromagnets, and together they were able to move otbcjes around on top of their surcfae. But the problem with this was that these mnaetgs cost over 10,000 doarlls. Although each one was pretty small, altogether they weighed so much that the table that they were on started to sag. So I wanted to build something where you could have this kind of interaction on any tabletop surface.

Open Cloze

So my first attempt at this was at the MIT Media Lab with _________ Hiroshi Ishii, and we built this array of 512 different electromagnets, and together they were able to move _______ around on top of their _______. But the problem with this was that these _______ cost over 10,000 _______. Although each one was pretty small, altogether they weighed so much that the table that they were on started to sag. So I wanted to build something where you could have this kind of interaction on any tabletop surface.


  1. objects
  2. magnets
  3. dollars
  4. professor
  5. surface

Original Text

So my first attempt at this was at the MIT Media Lab with Professor Hiroshi Ishii, and we built this array of 512 different electromagnets, and together they were able to move objects around on top of their surface. But the problem with this was that these magnets cost over 10,000 dollars. Although each one was pretty small, altogether they weighed so much that the table that they were on started to sag. So I wanted to build something where you could have this kind of interaction on any tabletop surface.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
physical objects 5
helping people 2
move objects 2
video chat 2
physical handles 2

Important Words

  1. altogether
  2. array
  3. attempt
  4. build
  5. built
  6. cost
  7. dollars
  8. electromagnets
  9. hiroshi
  10. interaction
  11. ishii
  12. kind
  13. lab
  14. magnets
  15. media
  16. mit
  17. move
  18. objects
  19. pretty
  20. problem
  21. professor
  22. sag
  23. small
  24. started
  25. surface
  26. table
  27. tabletop
  28. top
  29. wanted
  30. weighed